Sikaflex 11FC Grey 310ml Sika

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Description: Sikaflex®-11 FC is a one-component, gun-grade, adhesive and sealing compound of permanent elasticity. This dual-purpose material is based on a special moisture-cured polyurethane with an accelerated curing time that meets ASTM C920 Type S, Grade NS, Class 12.5 for internal and external applications. Excellent adhesion to all cement-based materials, brick, ceramics, glass, metals, wood, epoxy, polyester and acrylic resin, Fast cure rate, Good weathering and water resistance. Technology: Polyurethane | Solvent based moisture curing | Cure Rate: final cure 3-5 days | Movement (ASTM C920):+-12.5% | Elongation (ISO37): ~600% | Shore Hardness:(ISO868) 40-45 days | Skin Time: ~1-2hours | Tensile Strength:~1.55N/mm2 | Service Temperature: -20degreeC/+70degreeC max. | Shelf Life: 12months from manufacture date | [Avail in cartridge or 600ml foil pack] | Avail Colours: White, Concrete Grey, Black & Japan Beige.

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